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December 2019 Featured Articles

Real Weight Loss? by Wendy DeHaas
It is the annual holiday trifecta of over indulging in foods and drink that does not serve our body well. Let?s talk about what you?re going to do come January 2nd. Will you buy a new gym membership or set better goals, or try that new Keto diet or go paleo or vegan or? Ahhh so many confusing choices. Deep down you intuitively know that setting higher goals and giving yourself a good talking to everyday isn?t going to change the outcome until you address the underlying causes of those extra pounds.
Your body has an amazing way of storing toxicity. But after many years of indulging and breathing our polluted air and....

The Gift of Medical Massage Therapy by Kym Thomas
For those of you who may not know what to expect whenKym Thomas you schedule a Medical Massage treatment, here is a list of what your Medical Massage Practitioner may include (all or some) of these areas of the body and why they should be receiving massage.
Face ? Acupressure to help drain the sinus areas, increase oxygen and blood flow in the skin, thereby helping to reduce puffiness and increase collagen to help prevent wrinkles. Some people might say, it?s a ?natural face lift?.

Making Yourself #1, the key to EVERYTHING!! by Geri Habstritt
We live in a society where putting yourself first means being selfish. I?ve come across many healers, caretakers, therapists, teachers and those who work in occupations where the primary goal is to help others yet they have forgotten to care for themselves. As a result, many of these well intended people take on energies of others and get completely worn down. It is taught, ?You can?t give from an empty cup.? The world does not learn nor change from what we say or teach. Our children do not learn from what we say or teach. They learn by the energy we carry. We have to embody that which we wish for ourselves, our children and our world. Our energy needs to emanate the harmony, peace, joy, balance and empowerment we wish to see in the outer world to effect any change.

November 2019 Featured Articles

?Greetings to you all from those who love you in the higher realms!
Now is the time for you to step forward. Yes, I mean you! You are the way-showers, the light workers, the soothsayers, the psychics, the channels, and the spiritual guides. The world is waiting for you to show up in all of your gifts and your glory. Do you doubt that you have that? The reading of this magazine is enough to prove that you are curious about your inner depths, your greater power, and your gifts.
The Sweet Gift of a Simple Question by Julie Matheson
I put off asking a friend a simple question for years. It wasn?t a daily annoyance not having the answer, but occasionally the topic would come up and I wondered ab ut it.
We donate a monthly tithe to this friend?s charity organization and have done so for years. For most of these years we have not received any communication confirming receipt of our donations.
Therefore, the simple question was?. ?Are you still receiving our donations??
Healing the Dis-ease of Entitlement by Kelley Kosow
Lately I have been thinking a lot about the concept of entitlement -- that feeling so many of us have that we are owed something, that we have rights or deserve something to be the way we think it should be. Think of the times you have thought or had someone say to you:
?I deserve to be treated a certain way, given certain things, or taken care of in a particular manner, because I am your child, parent, or friend.?
?You owe me because I was there for you.?
?The Universe should reward or repay me because I am a ?good person.??
Harnessing Your Power of Creation by Geri Habstritt
If you are reading this, you know we aren?t here by accident and we are Brilliant CREATORS constantly creating our life experience. We never stop. What manifests in front of us is a magical mix of our thoughts, focus, beliefs, unconscious beliefs, unhealed emotional goodies, people we hang around, the nourishment or lack of we ingest and the environment we live in. Let?s call that ?our creation energy?. Now we add frequency or power, which consists of the energetic charge made up of joy, excitement, anger, pain, etc. (they all have a lower or higher frequency based on the emotion) added to this mix and ?viola?, there manifests your life experience.

October 2019 Featured Articles

Love is the Answer! by Greg Bishop, Boise Integrative Healing Arts
We have an epidemic in our world.
An epidemic of fear.
And it?s intentional.
People who are fearful are easier to sell to and manipulate.
Conversely, a relaxed content public is less likely to buy things they don?t really need or to be easily manipulated. Just watch the teasers for the news. ?Something alarming is happening. More at eleven.? Or social media. ?Did you hear what he said today. Have you heard what they are up to now??
Add economic pressure and....

The herbs you see on the picture are a small portion of what I prepared for the cold weather for my clients. I have a lot of mugwort, sage, wormwood, different kinds of mint, lemon balm, catmint, St. John?s wort, wild bergamot, eucalyptus and more! All herbs are from my garden, no pesticides, organic. These herbs I put in the Siberian cedar herb steam barrel for the session. The aroma is divine! Studies have shown that a few barrel sessions with herbs are equivalent to a YEAR of pills and supplements!!
How does the barrel work? Herbs steam envelops the body in a small confined space and penetrates deep into the pores of the skin, opening and cleaning them. Sweating relieves stress and muscle fatigue.....
Know Yourself ~ Change the World by Carla Kyle
Everything starts with the self. When you have self knowledge you know what is good for you. Then, you know what is good for your family and friends. You know what is good for your community and this translates to what is good for the whole world. There is a lot of emphasis these days on caring for the world, caring for others, caring about politics, caring about the health system. Yet, little information on the importance of knowing yourself first! There is a yearning to know others, yet we hardly know our own self, we barely know our own mind. When you start with the One, then concepts arise on where you can go.
Much has been written about creating change. But what about the impact of an individual?s heartfulness to create change at a community level? I explored this question with Joshua Pollock, coauthor of The Heartfulness Way, in a recent interview on KRBX-FM Radio Boise.
Mark: Your life journey has gone from Maine to London to Chennai, and now your travels as part of Heartfulness take you around India and the world -- what do you see in common among communities you visit?
Josh: I find the more that we are in touch with what we really are at heart, then the easier it is to relate to other people. Because we find the common denominator between me and somebody else. If we only look to the surface, then we only find differences: differences of cultures, food habits....

September 2019 Featured Articles

My Wall Of Love by Christine Haggerty
About thirty years ago I was happily married to a man who was tall, dark, handsome, and fun to be with. We had a great deal in common and got along very well. We loved playing tennis, restoring houses, and going to the movies. I remember our honeymoon in Kauai, the lavish dinners, hikes to the fern grotto, swimming in the ocean, and of course, playing tennis. Once back from our honeymoon we both returned to our respected jobs in Southern Calif. I was teaching high school, and he was starting a pool cleaning business with a friend. I was also highly involved....
Himalayan Salt Stone Massage by Kym Thomas
Himalayan salt is a pure crystal salt that is rich in 84 natural minerals and elements that are found in the body. The benefits of using these Himalayan salt stones (heated) during a massage, allows the minerals and trace elements to be easily absorbed into the body for the promotion of a healthy balance. Some of these 84 body helpers are Calcium (strong bones and teeth), Nitrogen (digestion of food and growth), Oxygen (breaks down sugars into carbon dioxide and water), Sodium (maintain the body?s fluid balance in and out of the cells), Chromium (a glucose tolerance factor for proper carbohydrate metabolism and regulating blood sugar levels)
Erectile dysfunction is often a hint of underlying heart disease. ED is a common phenomenon among men who have coronary heart disease. In many cases, ED might be the first clue that something is wrong with the cardiovascular system, thus erections serve as a barometer for overall health.
Coronary heart disease occurs when plaque builds up in the arteries, reducing blood flow to the heart and impairing the functioning of blood vessels. Healthy blood flow is also necessary for erectile function. One of the first stages of coronary heart disease is endothelial dysfunction, a condition in which the blood vessels cannot dilate (open) properly. Endothelial dysfunction often affects the blood vessels of the penis first.
In the medical world of opinions, the concept of preventive health that makes the most sense is that our body truly knows how to regenerate itself. To facilitate this miracle, our body requires energy in the form of electrons and raw materials in the form of food and supplements. Both are absolutely necessary to make healthy new cells. 
Dr. Jerry Tennant, MD is an opthalmologist and inventor who has spent the last 20 years creating the most revolutionary system for healing. The Biomodulator and Biotransducer devices transfer vital energy directly to the body without any pain or discomfort.


August 2019 Featured Articles

It's Time to Be Real by Christine Haggerty
For years, or perhaps, for much of our lifetime, many of us have lived our lives trying to please others, and we have forgotten how to be authentic. We are so focused on pleasing our parents, our family, our teachers, our co-workers, our neighbors, and even strangers, that we lose ourselves. We try so hard to fit into the norms of society, acting in all sorts of ways so people will love and accept us. The key word here is acting, because often times, it is an act. If you are pretending to be someone you are not, it?s time to be the real you. Believe it or not, the world is waiting for the real you to appear.
Eye Want To Believe by Altar Egos
The concept of the third eye is a common one, generally, the third eye, or the mind?s eye is an esoteric concept of a theoretical eye located in the center of the forehead which allows its user to ascertain unknown information or to gain perception beyond ordinary sight.
Many different religions and spiritualities refer to the third eye in their teachings. The Ajna, or the brow chakra, correlates to the mind's eye in Indian Dharmic traditions, the Hindus place a "tilaka" in the same location, representative of the third eye, whose image has been depicted on the deity Shiva.
Top Ten Tips for Boosting Your Energy by Peggy Washburn
What does August mean to you? Winding down the summer events or maybe amping up to get the last things in that you said you wanted to do this summer? There is State Fairs and Family Reunions and School shopping. It can be a lot of fun and/or a lot of Stress. Here are some tips I found in the Blog for keeping up that energy during this last ditch effort to finish Summer Strong.
Tip No. 1 Take Quality Supplements. Last month?s article on Healthy Habits we discussed why we need to supplement. But there are other things you can add to your routine that can help. In addition to my doTERRA Daily Nutrient Pack®, I also use their Mito2Max®....
In non-traditional medicine modalities, treating health problems in the summer boosts immunity and prevents worsening in the winter when they become more serious or harder to deal with.
Many non-traditional medicine practices teach that Yin energy (water, female) is stronger than Yang energy (fire, male) in the winter. Humans are part of the natural world and are influenced by the Yin/Yang balance, which may make cough, asthma, IBS, pains, numbness/coldness in limbs, sinus issues, or poor blood circulation (for better circulation use a BEMER), etc. recur or worsen in the winter. Yang energy is higher in the summer, so it is a good time....

July 2019 Featured Articles

Healthy Habits by Peggy Washburn
ARE YOU INVESTING IN LIFELONG Vitality? Do you regularly take your Supplements? What are your Healthy Lifelong Habits?
I recently attended a seminar by Dr Cynthia Rene a Naturopathic Doctor here in Boise, who talked about investing in your Vitality and Longevity just like you invest in your retirement. Isn?t that what we really want in life, to feel vibrant, as we enjoy a long and healthy life. The company I partner with dTERRA International is in the last month of a three month spring tour which focused on exactly this with their ?Healthy Habits for Life?
Sinking Into Panic by Chelsea Porter
I had not had a panic attack in over 10 years. When I was a teenager, I had them with pretty regular frequency. While lying in bed at night, trying to sleep, my mind would start to get scared, then my whole body would tense up, I?d cry uncontrollably and the frozen feelings of fear, sadness, self-hatred, and panic would keep me in the same spot for...who knows how long.
At that point I didn?t know what they were called. I just felt when they were coming. Always at night. After it would pass, I would just lay there trying to breathe normally and fall asleep again.
Diagnostic and Biofield Clearing with a Candle by Valentina
Since ancient times, people have known that element Fire clears and burns the negativities that sticks to the aura of a person.
The uniqueness of the candle flame impact on the biological field of a person is that it helps to clear the body of all negative that accumulates in us day after day; it absorbs fatigue, irritation, resentment and other destructive feelings.
I use candles to diagnose and clear energy fields in a person. By the reaction of the candle, i.e., by the color of the wax flow and the form of solidified wax, I can determine the degree of negative energy in a person.
?Astrology is the most misunderstood subject of all human knowledge. It is not about knowing your future?it is about knowing yourself.  It is about the journey of your soul through this world and what this is all about.  And it is about the process of self-awareness and what is true for you.?  Dr. Deepak Vidmar ¹
Interest & curiosity about astrology have grown in the past years.  It appears to have become a meme, astrological sites abounding on the internet, yet, as Steven Forrest has noted: ?The majesty, emotional valence, and intellectual rigor of the astrological symbolism has often been reduced to...


June 2019 Featured Articles

Brain Chemistry and Mental Health by Mary K. Migliori, MD
Mental health and quality of life (QOL) go hand in hand. Most of us know someone who struggles with their mood and may be on medication for it.
Antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs work fine for some people. However, why are they suffering from these symptoms? Is it because they were born with a set of genes to be unhappy or is it their diet and lifestyle or is it both??
Dr. William Walsh, inventor of the lithium battery and author of the book, Nutrient Power, Heal your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain, has spent the last 30 years researching this question. While working to rehabilitate prison inmates in the late 80s....
Are Your Children In A Pressure Cooker? by Brent Feinberg
We are in the year 2019 and with all the modern advancements we have definitely achieved greater states of comfort, efficiency and ease of living. The majority of people in America have their basic needs of food, housing and education being met. All this and yet one aspect is a standout: so many children, teens and adults are grappling with issues causing extreme anxiety and other mental and emotional challenges. The suicide rate amongst youth is unprecedented and the number of teens clinically diagnosed with anxiety is cause for immediate attention, concern and action.
The pressure to be accepted into top colleges and fit into society is damaging our teens. Teenage years are a time filled with great energy, curiosity and exuberance. This time should be about possibility....
The Most Overlooked Detoxification Network by David DeHaas
The Lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. Imagine the tissues of your body oozing these toxins, someone has the job of absorbing the debris and moving it out. The Lymphatic system is a network of very small tubes (vessels) that drain Lymph fluid from all over the body. There are 600 to 700 Lymph nodes in the human body, containing 45 pints of Lymph fluid.
To put that into perspective, your blood system contains about 10 - 12 pints and contains a great pump? the heart. The Lymphatic system has no such pump. Think of these little nodes as tiny toilets. The only way the tiny nodes flush is when you are moving. Using a Vibration System or jumping on a trampoline is a great way to get the ?toilets? to flush. 
What Your Mother?s Health May Reveal About Your Genetic Risks by Dr. Ralph M. Sutherlin
The genes you inherit from your mother?s side of the family tree can have a powerful influence on your prospects for a long, healthy life. For example, a recent study found that women have a 25% greater likelihood of living past age 90 without developing any chronic disorders? such as heart disease, diabetes or cancer ? if their mothers did. Learning as much as you can about your maternal health history can also help you and your healthcare provider more accurately assess your risk for certain diseases and use the best personalized treatments to protect against them. To start the conversation, share this article with your mom and discuss these questions about her health.

May 2019 Featured Articles

What We Make It Mean by Judith R. BrownHawk
?I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I?m not sure if you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.?
Ya? know, I?ve noticed over the years that people communicate in so many different ways. I?m surprised communication actually happens at all. People learn to communicate from parents, siblings, teachers, and interactions with other people all through our lives. As we speak, old words with new meanings and new words with new meanings are happening so fast, and we try to keep up. Recently, ?woke?, became a slang word for people who are enlightened. ?Twerking?, is a recent word in the English lexicon, referring to....
Synchronicity: Fate or Coincidence? by Altar Egos
"Well, look who I ran into," crowed Coincidence...
..."Please," flirted Fate, "this was meant to be."
Joseph Gordon-Levitt,The Tiny Book of Tiny Stories, Vol. 1
Synchronicity, first coined by Carl Jung, describes a concept proclaiming fate driven events are frequently meaningful coincidences, having no actual relationship, despite their linked appearance.
Jung claims that these certain occurrences, create an "energy for like events" where we, as humans, try to recognize similar patterns. In doing so, we relate one with the other therefore assuming a predisposed link.
Your Amazing, Creative, Intuitive (and sometimes demanding) Inner Child! by Julie Matheson
In the early days, of our now 25-year marriage, whenever my husband and I would have a follow-up talk about a previously difficult conversation, I would find comfort in saying to us? ?You know, at any given time there are really four of us here discussing things ? there is you and me and there is your inner child and mine.?
We both agreed that all these voices were valid and then we would do our feeble best to honor them all. It seemed to help us take a step back and appreciate that not everything we were discussing was rooted in the here and now. Much of it went way back to before we ever met each other, and the current issue was prompting us to reconsider....
Wow! What a ride this year has been so far, and not necessarily in a good way. More days than not I have awoken to great heaviness and have to begin the journey back to myself, because the truth is, when I?m in the place of heaviness, sadness, self-criticism and fear, I am not truly myself, and I choose to go within and find me once again.
This has been my truth for most of my life. I am not inherently a person who wakes up easy, happy and joyful. Actually, the opposite has been my truth. I awaken in fear on some level. But since I was a small child, I have searched for ways to move around this heavy energy and I still am. I didn?t realize what I was doing, I just did it because I had to. This isn?t because I?m spiritual and find God in all things, which I am, and I do, but it?s because....

April 2019 Featured Articles

Gotta Go, Gotta Go... Oh NO! Constipation, Diarrhea, Boating and Gas by Janet Warner
When the digestive system is functioning well, life is Grand. When the digestive system is not functioning well? let?s face it, it can be embarrassing and can disrupt our routine.
If you?ve ever suffered after eating spicy, greasy or processed food, you know just what I?m talking about. Your stomach starts to ache and your intestines start to rumble. You take a laxative to help things move along. Then all of a sudden....
Top 10 Tips to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes by Dr. Ralph Sutherlin
Eighty-six million Americans - more than one in three adults - have a disorder that greatly increases their risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Although this disorder, prediabetes, can easily be detected with a blood test covered by almost all health plans, 90% of those with this extremely common blood sugar abnormality are unaware of their peril, according to the CDC. Also known as ?insulin resistance? (IR), this condition is the root cause of about 70% of heart attacks and almost all cases of type 2 diabetes. The good news is that there is a lot you can do to avoid IR or to reverse it, if you are already prediabetic. Here are the BaleDoneen Method?s top 10 diabetes prevention tips.
1. Know your risk - In the time it takes to watch a movie you can....
Forget Spirituality, Give Me Romance! by Cate Montana ~ Part 1 of 2
Way back in the 1980s, I was a Type A, ?get it done? kind of gal. Then I became spiritual and learned about attaining enlightenment. ?Wow! There?s a doorway outta here?? I thought. ?I?m going for it!?
I was a maniac for meditation, living in isolated cabins in the middle of nowhere, doing freelance journalism to get by, meditating for hours and days on end. And after 20 years and over 20,000 hours of intense sadhana surprise! One morning in 2007 ?I? woke up and the joke was on me.
After all that work there was no ego left to accept the prize. No one home to take credit for the long-hoped-for event. Then, after three days of....
Looking at Life Through the Lens of Patterning by Julie Matheson
As a healing arts practitioner who is focused on helping clients deeply change patterns of behavior they wish they didn?t have, I find myself often looking at life through the lens of patterning. I?m always saying things like, ?Hmmm, I wonder what is behind that thinking? Or inquiring, ?What past events is that behavior rooted in?? Or, ?When do you first remember this issue being a problem?? Or, ?How, and in what conditions, does that pattern most often seem to get activated??
It?s kind of like being a detective or a historian or both of these mixed together. Except that I am a detective rooting through emotions, and a historian dredging up memories. And my motive or intention is similar perhaps, in that I am trying to solve a problem and make it go away.

March 2019 Featured Articles

Movement Therapy encourages expression of self and emotional states. People who grow up in traumatic dysfunction, are frequently told to ?shut up and sit down?. They are taught to push emotion down and never bring attention to themselves. They lose their voice and their power. This can cause anxiety, depression and other health problems as the child matures into an adult. This can affect every area of life, relationship, career, social, and more. There is a solution.
With movement therapy, you can learn to create an enjoyable, functional life with authentic relationships, recognize your gifts, talents, and abilities, have the income stream that you want, and be in contribution to humanity. I am so honored to be able to offe....
In Chinese Medicine, we observe the world around us and realize that we are part of nature too; with rhythms and transitions as natural as the seasons.
We have been in a state of quiet yin over the winter. That means more darkness, time for reflection, and resting in front of the fire with the dog. Winter is also the season of the Water element. The Water element is about depth, flow, power, and wisdom. The Tao Te Ching says, ?Under heaven, nothing is more soft and yielding than water. Yet for attacking the solid and strong, nothing is better. It has no equal.? Winter is ideal for self-reflection and setting intentions.
After suffering a massive heart attack in November, former NFL coach Mike Ditka told The Athletic, ?You always think it?s not going to happen to me until it happens to me.? Ditka, who reportedly also had a heart attack in 1988 while the coach of the Chicago Bears and a mild stroke while playing cards in 2012, added, ?And there is nothing you can do about it because it just kicks your butt so hard.? Ditka joins a long list of celebrities affected by cardiovascular disease (CVD), which has recently claimed the lives of Penny Marshall, Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds, Alan Thicke, Zsa Zsa Gabor, George Michael and Gary Shandling. Also called ?heart disease? or ?arterial disease,? CVD kills 2,300 Americans each day ? one every 38 seconds....
As the energy of that powerful eclipse completes its natural cleansing process many are experiencing this as cold, flu, bronchitis, etc.  What many call an illness, as a medical intuitive, I call a cleanse.  Anytime a highly energetic event happens such as an eclipse or full moon, that which we are FULL of that doesn?t serve our highest expression is up for release.  If your heart is yearning and trying to get your attention saying ?dear one, your joy is over here? and your mind is saying ?but, I can make more money at??? or fill in the blank with comfortable, acceptable excuses, there is a conflict between the head and the heart. The heart carries the wisdom of the soul and truly is your compass if you allow it. The mind carries the ego, the unhealed inner child and the voice of reason that limits your truth....

February 2019 Featured Articles

If you are reading this, you know we aren?t here by accident and we are Brilliant CREATORS constantly creating our life experience. We never stop. What manifests in front of us is a magical mix of our thoughts, focus, beliefs, unconscious beliefs, unhealed emotional goodies, people we hang around, the nourishment or lack of we ingest and the environment we live in. Let?s call that ?our creation energy?. Now we add frequency or power, which consists of the energetic charge made up of joy, excitement, anger, pain, etc. (they all have a lower or higher frequency based on the emotion) added to this mix and ?viola?, there manifests your life experience.
How Energy Healing Can Raise Your Vibration by Christine Haggerty
Let?s face it, we all want to vibrate at a higher level.  No one intentionally wants to be a drag or a wet blanket all the time.  Yet sometimes we fall into a low vibration category without being aware of it.  Here is a quick check list to see if perhaps we are spending too much time in the following negative energetic states.  Ask yourself:  How much do I experience these states daily? 
Almost never,      Occasionally,      Fairly Often,      Very Often or Daily
Resistance, Anxiety, Shame, Anger, Self-Doubt, Jealousy, Fear, Critical of Self or Others
If you discover that you are experiencing....
Acupressure - Acupressure is an ancient form of healing believed by some to be even older than acupuncture. It involves the use of the fingers (and in some cases, the toes) to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body?s natural ability to heal itself. Pressing on these points relieves muscle tension, which promotes the circulation of blood and qi (pronounced ?chee?) -- the vital energy or ?life force? -- to aid in the healing process.
Acupressure and acupuncture are somewhat similar. Acupressure is sometimes referred to as ?needleless acupuncture,? because both forms of healing....
February 14th, a day known for romance, of flowers and poems has many theories surrounding its origin, however, history has given very few definitive answers cataloging the holiday's conception. One popular theory involves the execution of a priest named Valentine, named after the saint who shared his namesake, by Emperor Claudius II.
Claudius II was an emperor, who was "ambitious" by nature, often sending his troops on far away missions for long periods of time. These orders, brought poor morale upon the soldiers who were missing their wives and families at home. Claudius II being insightful as he was decided that banning marriage all together would remedy the situation.
It did not.


January 2019 Featured Articles

Happiness Fulfilled by Les Jensen
If you take a look around, there are plenty of folks who don?t look too happy. There can be very good reasons for not feeling happiness in any one moment. Our feelings that don?t feel so good are telling us something important about what we are experiencing in that moment. Feelings can help us hone in on what we do, and what we do not, prefer. If we never face our feelings, they will eventually ruin us. So, for example, feeling the sad side of happy emotions most certainly has its place.
Happiness itself has no requirements of its own. The more conditions or requirements we put on our own happiness, the less happiness we have.
The Work of the Soul by Shannon Femenia
Simply living in today?s world is traumatic. For most of us staying centered, balanced, and grounded in oneself is a full time job. It?s all too easy to get caught up in our negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves or others and call it reality. Pain and suffering come from believing that our thoughts and feelings are real. Holding onto limiting thought or feeling patterns create recurrent behavioral habits that lead to more physical, mental, and emotional health problems. We don?t have to look far to notice the epidemic of depression and anxiety in our culture. It?s you, your friend, and your next door neighbor.
We have lost connection to our individual soul, to each other, and to the spiritual connection of love, the only thing that is real. We are continuously lured by the ego, a mental delusion that tells us...

Foods are essential to maintain life, create life, and extend life. Many Complementary Medicine practices teach us to use food to heal body, mind, and spirit. Proper nutrition, along with Complementary treatments such as acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, naturopathic, Reiki, Tuning fork treatments, and yoga therapy can keep a person healthy, in the winter. In the winter the sun is far away from the earth. Daytime is shorter. The weather is cold. The earth?s Yang energy is at a low point. Meanwhile many health problems are on the rise. These include fatigue, cold or hot extremities (hands and feet), ear infections, dry or sore throats, general aches and pains, arthritis, common colds, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, low or high blood pressure, worry, fear, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and shortness of breath.

It only makes sense to begin a new year with a new attitude, a new way of seeing the world, and more importantly, a new way of being. As we enter into the new year, I?d like to present to you a four-step approach that will begin the process of re-birth.
1. Hope: We all must have hope. Not just wishing for hope but to truly experience hope, to have hope in your heart no matter what life may throw your way. If you lose hope, you lose vitality in life, you stop thriving and are only surviving. It is the power of hope in your life that makes all the difference. Hope is the belief that life gets better. When we have hope we can?t help but to share it with others and to share it with the world.


December 2018 Featured Articles

What is Self Care? by Crystle Logan B.S., L.M.T., R.M.H.
You may have heard someone tell you to ?Take time for self care.? But what does that actually mean? How can someone who is a DO-ER actually take time for themselves? How can we find the time to implement self care principles into our busy daily lives? We see uplifting posts in our Instagram and Facebook feeds of smiling people doing yoga, meditating, and generally looking way more sublime and relaxed than seems possible for the majority of us, telling us to be cool man! But how do they do it? 
Foods to Eat If You Overeat - We all overdo it sometimes. These foods help your body recover and get back on track. by Amy Paturel, M.S., M.P.H.
We all overindulge sometimes. And while that extra slice of cheesecake (or two) may have sounded like a good idea at the time, eating too many calories forces your body into overdrive as it tries to undo the damage done by the harmful free radicals produced as you digest food. (Free radicals attack cells and can promote the development of chronic conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.)
Simple Recipe for Setting, Maintaining and Defending Healthy Boundaries. by Judith R. BrownHawk MS/P
What are boundaries?
· Boundaries are flexible, invisible fences that you are free to change at your discretion.
· Boundaries differ from walls or barriers in that they are not always permanent.
· Boundaries are ways we announce and enforce what is acceptable and not acceptable for our lives as individuals.
· Boundaries are ways we keep from hurting others and keep others from hurting us.
· Boundaries allow all people to be and do what is right for them.
Just in time for the holidays: Ho?oponopono, the Hawaiian practice of forgiveness. by Heather Bergstrom, LAc
The holidays are here and while the holidays can be a beautiful and joyous time of year, they can also bring about tremendous stress. There is the stress of hustle and bustle, stress of stretching the budget to allow for purchasing gifts, and stress of prolonged family interactions. Let?s look at each of these stressors and see if there may be something you can do to ease stress and make your season more calm and bright.
The stress of hustle and bustle can be dealt with by....

November 2018 Featured Articles

Karma, Sanskrit karman (?action?), the universal causal law by which good or bad actions, thoughts, words determine the person?s future existence. This law of cause and effect is not punishment, but is for the sake of learning.
Here is what you need to know about karma.
  * The universe returns to us all our actions and feelings that we have caused in other people. In other words, our reality is the result of all our actions, thoughts, prayers and curses. So, if we want to be happy, live in peace and love, then we should BE happy, peaceful and loving.
What do you call it when a first responder has to make an on-the-spot, life-threatening judgement call? Or when a doctor must make that same decision in a surgery gone awry to save the patient?s life? There is usually more than one choice in those scenarios, yet it could mean the difference in life or death. This is what many would call intuition, or more importantly, a combination of rational and intuitive thinking.
Steve Jobs called intuition ?more powerful than intellect? ? and powerful leaders everywhere are expressing similar sentiments, ranging from Albert Einstein to Steve Appleton to Warren Buffett. Intuitive thinking, or ?trusting your gut? has become such a powerful mindset in the cultures of many major companies today that over 44%....
Humans are historical people.  We all have our histories of life experiences that when unexamined define us in the present moment.  Our histories are our stories of how we made past experiences relevant then and now.  Sometimes we HAVE our history story and sometimes our history story HAS us.  One of the great lessons of life is to learn to observe ourselves as historical story telling beings. We consciously or unconsciously create our experience of the present moment from the past ? this we call our baggage.  Likewise, we project our experience of future possibilities beyond this present moment of NOW from our same history.  When we are aware of ourselves as the interpreter and creator of our history stories, we can reframe our past and grow emotionally.
We can then KNOW and HAVE our history and live in a mood of Aliveness and Joy.  Conversely?.
Everywhere you turn, ?trauma-informed? seems to be the newest buzzword. You may find yourself asking, ?What does trauma-informed mean and exactly how does that apply to me?
According to the SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration), trauma informed care is an organizational structure and treatment framework that involves understanding, recognizing and responding to the effects of trauma. There are several key principles rather than a prescribed set of practices or procedures. They are: 1.) Safety, 2.) Trustworthiness, 3.) Collaboration, 4.) Client empowerment, choice and voice and 5.) Recognition of differing cultural and gender issues.

October2018 Featured Articles

In Chinese Medicine, we have an analogy that explains how we view digestion by looking at a pot cooking over a fire: if the flame is too low, the food doesn?t cook properly. This is the same with a weak digestion. The digestive fire has to be strong in order to ?cook?, or digest, the foods we eat properly. If the digestive fire is weak, we get uncomfortable digestive symptoms. The most important thing you can do is maintain a healthy and strong flame under the cooking pot. If you eat frozen or cold foods, the digestive fire will have to work harder and longer to cook the food. If you eat warm or room temperature foods, the digestive fire works with ease.
When I was earning my practitioners license from the Centers for Spiritual Living back in the late ?90s I would drive home through the peaceful, expansive high desert of Nevada reflecting on all I was learning about the co-creative nature of reality and personal consciousness and responsibility. We were reading the classic writings of Ernest Holmes, Thomas Troward and others, and learning how to consciously move positive energy in our lives with our thoughts, prayers and consciousness. I would leave class filled with a sense of possibility about all I wanted to create and experience in my life. The beauty and expanse of the scenery driving home supported the beauty and expanse of the concepts I was immersing myself in. I was grateful to have found the tools to make my life the best it could possibly be. It felt like I was....
The Tragedy; Awareness of Multi-generational Trauma by Judith R. BrownHawk MS/P
Native Americans represent a very heterogeneous grouping of cultures. However diverse; Native Americans do share beliefs in unity, the sacredness of nature, and a focus on the community versus the individual. This racial group comprises 1.6% of the total United States Population.
Currently there are 565 federally recognized tribes in the United States. There are also tribes that are not federally recognized. Federally recognized tribes are provided health and educational assistance through a government agency called Indian Health Services. There are currently over 630 recognized First Nations or Bands spread across Canada. Those tribes who are not recognized, do not receive any help or funding...
The warrior is a child: Lessons I learned from my grandma. by Christine Hagerty
Let?s think back to the times when we were young, strong, and healthy. We could do anything and never give it a second thought. We were always helping others. For example: When friends needed help moving into a new home, we were there with a strong back and arms like a warrior. In fact, it made us happy to lend a helping hand when someone was in need. Helping others came easy and naturally to us. I remember when my grandmother was ill, I would mow her lawn, take care of her dog, do the shopping, and even helped her get ready for bed at night. I was happy to help and she often said that I was a blessing to her.

September 2018 Featured Articles

There is a wondrous creature living in the world. Elusive and delicate, sometimes bold and impetuous. Powerful and fierce and yet often they keep to themselves for fear of being in the spotlight. Capable of sensing the slightest change in the air and able to react with the deepest of conviction for the truth. This creature is known by many names, but most have known them as Empath.

It is common to hear tales of this empathic creature as being shy and introverted. Many times the world is just too much to bear for those that are sensitive to its ever changing chaos and uncertainty. For this group of empaths being in large crowds and around loud sounds is overwhelming....

Hypnosis for Children by Dan Pickel, Certified Hypnotist
Growing up in the Middle School and High School education system, can be very traumatic for young people. The stress and anxiety some students encounter can manifest in many ways (mental, emotional and even physical in the form of pain and discomfort). Often times, families are led to medication to help curb the negative effects of schooling, without any effort being given to mental health care. We?ve all seen violence in schools seemingly increase over the years, while no more attention seems to be paid to help our young people cope with the many stresses they face on a daily basis.

Medication, while sometimes helpful, can have a downside. The medications prescribed to children and young adults often come with side effects, can be difficult to obtain....

by Victoria Savage - ?Wisdom Guided Oracle?
Did you know that your business has an aura too? Well it does, and it appears way before you walk into that networking or sales meeting.

Intellectually, you may have your ?elevator speech? prepared and memorized perfectly, you?ve dressed for success, and your business cards and brochures are in hand and ready to be handed out to all interested parties. But as it turns out, no one seemed to hear you. It?s like you don?t exist. Hardly anyone even came up and talked to you after. Why??? Your product or service is valuable, affordable and really amazing and people would really benefit from it so why aren?t people responding to you?

Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain condition that affects the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensation from the face to the brain. It is also called ?tic douloureux?. It feels like an electric shock, and it can sometimes be intense. There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves in the head. The trigeminal nerves are among these pairs, and they let the face feel sensations. One nerve runs down each side of the head. Each trigeminal nerve splits into three branches, controlling the feeling for different parts of the face. The ophthalmic branch controls the eye, upper eyelid, and forehead. The maxillary branch affects the lower eyelid, cheek, nostril, upper lip, and upper gum. The mandibular branch runs the jaw, lower lip, and some chewing muscles. The disorder can affect any of the three nerve branches, causing pain from the forehead....

August 2018 Featured Articles

In the sacred Hindu text, The Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna says to his disciple, Arjuna, ?It is better to strive in one?s own dharma than to succeed in the dharma of another. Nothing is ever lost in following one?s own dharma. But competition in another?s dharma breeds fear and insecurity.?
In translation, ?dharma? equates to purpose, the path that a person walks which is most in alignment with him- or herself and what he or she came here to do. So, the above passage could also be translated, ?It?s better to live in your own purpose than to succeed in someone else?s.?
What does this have to do with creating wealth? Everything!
Living an Empowered Life by the ?Wisdom Guided Oracle? Victoria Savage, RN
Empowered! It?s such a buzz word! You hear it everywhere. So, what does that even mean? To live an empowered Life? Living from empowerment? Being empowered?
Well, here?s my two cents worth:
My definition of empowered living is acknowledging our power to direct the basic framework with the guidance of our power team?The Universe, (God, Source Energy, The Creator, Big Daddy,) your angels, and guides. This means you get to participate in moving forward rather than just holding on and hoping for the best.
Wouldn?t it be great if it were possible to heal a lifetime in a moment?! Unless Enlightenment strikes us, the other option is finding a process that works, employing a little focused effort to clear one pattern at a time, and doing it over and over for each pattern we have.
In fact, this is what I propose: that we can clear an entire pattern in one sitting, and that we effectively work on just one pattern at a time.
By clear I mean resolve, change, remove, heal and in some cases re-pattern an entire pattern of belief, thought and behavior you no longer wish to have.
By one sitting, I mean, change an entire pattern in one dedicated session.
Using ITEX dollars for Healthcare submitted by Sandra Harshman
How are your healthcare costs? Driving you freaking insane? Us too!
But you do have options. Along with HSA?s, self-insuring, or cancelling insurance altogether, many companies are reducing this employee expense by opting for higher deductibles and discontinuing dental and eye care insurance. This helps contain costs but reduces benefits to your team. To supplement this, consider using your ITEX account to replace some of these benefits.
By becoming a member of ITEX with Free membership weather you own a business or need services as an Independent Person consider joining ITEX to lower your Health Insurance costs for yourself, family members or your employees. Let me Show you How!

July 2018 Featured Articles

Emotion Freedom Technique (The Tapping Solution) by Dr. Jerry Cunningham
This innovative therapeutic technique started with an amazing discovery by Dr. Roger Callahan. He had been studying the meridian system from China that is often called Acupuncture. The meridian has what are know as end points. He had been treating a person named Mary who suffered from a severe water phobia from childhood. He had used several currently accepted psychotherapy procedures including hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy, client centered therapy with minimal success. One day he directed Mary to tap on a relevant acupuncture endpoint and she immediately reported that the discomforting phobic sensation regarding water had vanished.

Enhancing your loving nature by Pastor Christine Haggerty
When clients come in to see me for energy healing, they are often surprised that their relationships with family and loved ones also begin to improve. They soon realize that all relationships are based on Energy. They learn that positive relationships reflect love and understanding in every aspect of togetherness: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. For example: The energy of a loving couple in an intimate relationship blends in a harmonious way, allowing love and good emotions to flow between them easily and freely. Conversely, when a couple is in a poor relationship, arguing and fighting, the energy fields don?t blend and flow. They actually clash and repel?.

Testosterone Pellets for Women by Mary K. Migliori, MD
Remember the Righteous Brothers? song, You?ve Lost That Loving Feeling?

She didn?t really lose it, she was just TESTOSTERONE deficient.

Seriously, testosterone is the first hormone to drop in women often as early as age 35 rendering a lower quality of life.

Rebecca Glaser, MD, breast surgeon and author of several articles on testosterone and breast cancer prevention states, ?Testosterone is the most abundant biologically active female hormone. It is 20 times more active than estrogen and is essential for physical and mental health in women and is breast-protective.? In a radio interview, she stated, ?Testosterone balances estrogen in breast tissue.??.

Hypnosis provides relief for many physical issues. People have used hypnosis for centuries, prior to the development of pharmaceutical drugs, for any manner of aches, pains and ailments. The mind/body connection is so strong, that hypnosis has been successfully used for surgeries, amputations and the healing of physical disease.
The cells of our stomach are riddled with nerve endings, more nerve endings in fact than in our spinal cord. It is for this reason that our stomach is sometimes referred to as a second brain?.

June 2018 Featured Articles

Ways to Calm Your Mind by Stephanie Babauta, LAc
In Chinese medicine, there are many different systems of classification we use to help treat the body. One of those systems is called the Five Elements, which are five specific elements that have a mutual and direct relationship with one another. Each individual element generates the next one in the cycle, and they can also control one another. If there is an imbalance in one particular element, then its relationship with all the other elements can be affected.

The Five Elements in their sequential order are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each element is correlated with certain seasons, organ systems, body tissues and orifices, colors, taste of foods, time of day, and even emotions.

Where Energy Flows, Healing Grows

Why is it that people tend to take better care of their automobiles than they do their own health? You know it?s ok to do both; taking care of your car and taking care of you??because you are worth it. Taking time for yourself should be a top priority in your life and taking care of your energy system is vitally important because energy is everything and everything is energy.

When energy flows through the body properly, you are in a state of health. This is the most fundamental truth about prana, the body, the mind, and our health. If the aura is clean, the meridians clear, and the chakras balanced?.

Go Smudge Yourself!: a Brief Introduction to Smudges submitted by Altar Egos
We are often asked many questions about our smudges, the most common are: What do each of them do and What's the differences between them? Today, we are going to cover each one briefly, their uses and how they differ.

Probably the most well known smudge is Sage (featured bottom right). Sage is a small perennial plant with a woody stem. Its leaves have a grey hue, and its flowers range from blue to purple. Sage has a unique aroma profile, described as a warm, astringent fragrance with a sweetness kin to menthol. Magically, Sage has a variety of purposes including: ?..

Born perfect, our soul enters this material world with a set of plans, goals, and intentions. With all the excitement the cosmos can muster, we leave our spiritual home for the adventure that only this world can provide. We have things to do and can?t wait to get started. Unfortunately it doesn?t take too long to realize that not everyone supports our trajectory. Diving head first into a sea of obligations, social requirements, limiting beliefs, and responsibilities it?s a wonder we ever remember the original plan of our soul. We are the proverbial babes in the woods, completely at the mercy of our caregivers and surrounding circumstances. As time beats on, life can beat us down. As we struggle to navigate this human life we eventually begin to forgo the plans of our soul and succumb to the survival of our physicality.


May 2018 Featured Articles

Every once in a while I will hear about some healing modality that promises easy emotional transformation without pain, or without having to revisit the trauma from the past.  When someone offers a ?no pain? with ?lots of gain? approach I say, hum?I?m not so sure about that.  The grist that creates revelations is in the struggle.  The true gifts of awakening lay waiting in the trapped energy of the past. 
In fact, real tansformation happens when we get brave, and venture to revisit feelings associated with some defining, painful life moment and....
Energy Work and Your Emotions by Beverly Hobbs, Integrated Energy Healer
Your emotions have a big influence on your body, especially ones that you deny you are feeling.  To deny your feelings you may push them out of your conscious thoughts and tell yourself that you have handled them. Poof! They are no longer there. But where did they actually go? They are still there. You may have pushed them to a deeper space within your body like your low back, your shoulder, or your gut, for instance. Problem solved until your body decides to get your attention by causing those areas to become inflamed or painful. Your usual plan of action may be to go to the doctor, who may run some tests or give you something for the pain. Those are good options and usually help.  What he probably won?t have time for is to ask about what is going on in your life?.   
One of my main jobs as a Certied Rolfer is educator. Rolfing brings a new understanding of how the body functions in gravity and how to best embody the changes in a positive way. During Rolfing sessions I do my best to impart the Rolfing approach to structure and movement.
But the education process also extends into the community.
In my experience, the vast majority of people have never heard of Rolfing Structural Integration. Unfortunately, the ones who have, are often misinformed by others who have never had direct experience with RSI. A bit like getting your sex education from the kid down the block, who has never had formal education or experience!
Lifestyle Changes Effective in the Treatment of Depression...cont.  by  Dr. Jerry Cunningham
Recent research indicates that 15 million people (nearly 5% of the entire U.S. population) have been taking antidepressant medication for greater than 5 years.  Many are interested in discontinuing but encounter a condition called ?discontinuation syndrome? causing their symptoms to return making coming off the medication difficult.  Given this difficulty, one might consider alternative lifestyle changes such as exercise, rumination mitigation techniques, and omega 3 supplements prior to medication when appropriate (remember to discuss with a holistic physician prior).

April 2018 Featured Articles

Telepathy is the language of communication in the spiritual realm. Imagine knowing the thoughts of all the people around you and having all your thoughts revealed without speaking. No one could manipulate or pretend to be other than who they are. All our motivations, fears, and loves would be exposed. Here on earth, our thoughts also influence our lives and the environment around us in significant ways, but not as quickly or as completely. We need to rely on verbal and written words to express our thoughts and how we give voice consciously or unconsciously has great power....


Do you try to eat as healthy as you possibly can but still suffer from occasional or frequent fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues, or other health-related problems? As much food as we eat on a daily basis in our whole lifetime, the education on nutrition that we receive while growing up is quite minimal and usually one-sided. We all hear about carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that make up the components of the foods that we eat. But have you ever wondered about or even acknowledged the idea of the energetics of the foods that we eat and how it can affect our bodies?


In our increasingly sick modern American culture, illness and disease are becoming more prevalent. In response to our dire health dilemma, Americans are witnessing the return of holistic healthcare modalities, as many people turn to ancient natural treatment methods to improve their health and wellbeing.

Reiki is one such modality with promising results. Reiki is NOT a religious belief. Reiki is an ancient hands on Japanese healing art. Reiki traditions maintain that we all have an ability to tap into an unseen healing force....


From losing a few to many pounds, weight loss is a common desire for almost everyone. When you think of the people in your life, how many do you know who are completely content with their weight?

Even with a million ways to lose weight, keeping the weight off is the real struggle. If you're like me, you've lost the weight, and then before you know it, you gain the weight back. Adding insult to injury, you probably gained a little more than you lost. It's almost as if your body is putting up resistance so you never try to lose weight again. 


March 2018 Featured Articles

I can't tell you how many times someone has stopped me to ask about the advertising magnets I have on each side of my car.  The magnets say:  Into the Light Pranic Healing.  People ask me all the time what the word "Pranic means".  It's a great way to begin a conversation and talk about healing energy and where that energy comes from.  Most people have heard of chakras and auras, but Pranic is a new term to many.  Prana, or Pranic is a term for "Life Force".  Every living thing has energy and that energy comes from a Life Force.  Pranic energy healers, can harness this prana....
Kidney stone disease is when a solid piece of material (a kidney stone) occurs in the urinary tract.

These stones typically form in the kidney and leave the body in the urine stream. A small stone may pass without causing symptoms. If a stone grows to more than 5 millimeters it can cause blockage of the urethra resulting in serve pain in the lower back or abdomen.

A stone may also result in blood in the urine, severe pain in the side and back, below the ribs, pain that comes in waves and fluctuates in intensity and radiates to the lower abdomen and groin, nausea and vomiting or frequent and painful urination, urinating small amounts as well as fever and chills if an infection is involved.


Most people think they understand the cause and effect of illness and injury. On the surface that makes sense to them as it is what they have been taught and experienced in their own lives. Germs cause illness, and medicine heals.  Injuries need medical attention to heal. Those work most of the time. But sometimes those methods don't completely resolve the problem. The treatments may make them sicker or cause new side effects.  People may never consider that there is another level of healing that needs to take place.  The human body runs on an unnoticed energy force. If you've ever looked through a microscope....


We open March with a Full Moon on the 1st, experience the New Moon on the 17th, and welcome Spring with the Equinox on the 20th.   March ends with the first Mercury retrograde period of 2018 which begins on the 22nd.

The Farmer's Almanac has published since 1792, "Planting by the Moon's Phase", an annual guide based on cycles of the Moon.  In the 2nd century AD, the astronomer Ptolemy noted that Roman Empire farmers timed their actions according to the phases of the Moon.  Grant Lewi, known as the Father of Modern Astrology, observed....

February 2018 Featured Articles

Wow, it's already February 2018! Life sure flies by when you're having fun!

New year, new hopes and new desires. The Angels are waiting to hear from you to see how they can help you with your dreams.  Just ask them for assistance with the intention and expectation that you be given an answer.  Being open and receptive to guidance is the key.  Your answer can come from a myriad of places; Angel messages and signs, your intuition, your Heart, your Knowing and from answers to your prayers.  Just ask and then listen.

Running through a field of us beating down every bit of new growth in the fields that define us on a daily basis, keeps us from sowing the seeds of self-care and love we need for ourselves. Allow your fields to rest and recover while you feed them so that when you sow the seeds you want to grow the ground will be ready to receive them.

The analogy of field and seeds applies to most things in life but especially to creating love in your life. The expression of love is the simplest and yet hardest thing we can do as a human. The human condition seems to be focused on our own shortcomings....

Because there is so much confusion in the media about bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), I attended yet another conference in my search for the best delivery system. Dr. Briant Herzog, MD founded the Hormone Therapy Centers of America in Plano, Texas after placing over 20,000 hormone pellets in women and men with astounding results. The history of pellet therapy dates back to the 1930s.

After several hours of didactic review of the literature, we went to Dr. Herzog's office to talk to his patients and perform the quick procedure. Before placing his pellets, one gentleman told me....

When people think of the word "massage" they often come up with a variety of associations. Some think of massage "parlours' or Asian spas with less than therapeutic services, or day spas with luxuriously expensive beauty treatments. Some think of New Age hippies waving around sage and chanting unintelligible phrases whilst rubbing scented oils and herbs upon the bodies of their victims. These are the stereotypes that sincere licensed massage therapists are actively working to overcome, and with good reason.


January 2018 Featured Articles

Thyroiditis Disease, also known as Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, is an autoimmune disease in which the thyroid gland is gradually destroyed. The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system, which produces hormones that coordinate many of the body's functions. Hashimoto's disease is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in America. It primarily affects middle-aged women but also can occur in men, women and children of any age.

The exact cause of Thyroiditis is not known, but many factors are believed to play a role. They include: autoimmune disease such as, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, lupus, genetics, hormones, and excessive iodine exposure. Those who get Thyroiditis disease or other autoimmune diseases, often have.....

Today I want to talk about stopping that cough naturally.  Seems like what I am hearing the most from folks that have had "the crud" is that the cough continues on forever.  Most of these coughs do not require a doctor's care but it can continue on for 2-3 weeks which is most irritating to say the least.
There are a lot of natural remedies that help.  I was reminded of a few of my favorite ones in a BottomLine article last fall and I have added some more to their list.
Both of the following can be most effectively used at bedtime when coughing prevents sleep so necessary to get well. The best recipe is.....
What is Integrated Energy Healing?
Integrated Energy Healing is the fluid integration of several energy healing modalities.  I believe that all healing modalities share the same central source but present different ways to access it.  I have evolved my own modality of healing through my 15 years of studying and practicing Reiki, Matrix Energetics, and other modalities. My approach recognizes the interactive relationship of the body, mind, and spirit in the process of illness, and healing. Thoughts and beliefs have energy that can influence the body.  Your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions may all play a part in the underlying causes of illness, injury or pain, or in blocking your healing.  You may be holding.....
We've all been there, life is going fairly well and then all of a sudden, it changes on a dime.  An accident, an illness, the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, the betrayal of a trusted friend, etc., and you feel like you've been hit from left field, you never saw it coming.  Your life has drastically changed and it will never be the same.  After the initial shock wears off and the dust settles, you take an inventory of what happened, what's the damage, what still works, what needs repairing, who can help, etc., and thus, the journey begins.  Your new beginning; and it usually starts with the smallest of baby steps.